A cross necklace

What do we Believe

Florida Faith Foundations (5/19/2021) OUR TENETS This is a statement of tenets/values for Christians in America to unite around. In today’s divisive political climate, it is imperative that the Church be united now more than ever. However, we must have unity around Biblical truth and not just for unity’s sake. The following tenets are what…

Gods Fix Was

God’s Fix Was In

    By Eddie Donnally On the morning of October 1, 1987, Jay Richards shook off the remnants of a constant hangover and left his Las Vegas apartment with a singular purpose: making bets on a fixed horse race. Those in recovery have a time when they hit bottom. Jay never knew it, but his…

Daily Racing Form

Former jockey Eddie Donnally turns from his troubled past Mary SimonSep 12, 2013 Three decades have passed since Eddie Donnally last rode a flesh-and-blood racehorse, and still he conjures them up in the shadowland of sleep. But for more than 50 of his now 70 years, Donnally’s real life was anything but a pleasant dream.…

God Knows Your Name

The only One who can name you is the One who created you. Recently, at a staff meeting for chaplains at a hospital where I work, I met our new Missions Director for the first time, and said, “My name is Eddie, but I answer to whatever any one calls me” She politely reminded me…